
Eating disorders are caused by trauma

 Happy people don't develop eating disorders. Food related disorders are mood related disorders. Emotional disorders. They don't just appear.  We are not born with them. The roots of them began in childhood when people umconsciously...unwittingly, and unknowingly, planted false ideas in our consciousness. Traumatised children come from traumatised parents. When one person in a family develops any kind of 'disorder,' any kind of unhappiness, the whole family needs therapy. The whole family needs love, support and understanding. These issues stem from false beliefs. From the objectification of living beings. Of precious souls. Generational problems that are coming to an end as we open our hearts.

"None but ourselves can free our minds." Bob Marley.

 The source of all unhapiness is a feeling of being disconnected from Source. The source of our aliveness, our beingness. If we believe ourselves to be alone, physical, material beings with no connection..that is the cause of all unhappiness. The descent into what we call madness is literally a descent into thought.  Fearful thoughts are madness because they have nothing to do with the lifeforce that is us. The essence without which we would be dead. Lifeless. The whole point is that the thoughts that occur to us actually have little if anything to do with us. They are mostly useless garbage that lead to unproductive or harmful feelings. They are the cause of all misery because they seem real, we believe in them, and in so doing, we forget that we are not them. The above zen saying refers to mind.  Mind is a word we use collectively. However, when we look for it, where is it? It is no more than a thought that appears, then disappears. There is no such...

We are what we eat

I always took this literally. Lol. The true meaning of this is that we become what we every way, and more than anything, in the sense of what we consume through our senses. We are multi layered. Each delicate layer absorbs and stores information. For some, that means birdsong and the simple rhythm of nature...a life lived in the countryside..or by the sea..with little appearing other than peace and the natural ups and downs of life in nature. For others, it can mean a constant onslaught...from the assault of early morning news programmes to family a working day fraught with difficulties. We are highly senstive beings, comprised of delicate layers of energy that are constantly engaged with the environment around them.

Shine our light

We are so unique. Does a tree compare itself to the one next to it? How did it become so that we learned to compare instead of celebrate our uniqueness, our pure and amazing individuality? is ridiculous not to. The years I spent...hiding my light under a bushel..waiting for the day when perfection would be mine. It was always there. The perfection that we all are. Don't wait to give yourself the love you deserve. Don't wait to get out there and give your gifts to the world. The light in the eyes of those who receive them is the reflection of your beauty..of your preciousness..and you deserve to see do do we lets be that for each other. However hard things may seem, our light is always there. 

Never give up. You are magical.

Eating disorders are accompanied by depression and anxiety. I often felt overwhelmed and desperate. At the time, I didn't know that so much could be changed by breathing techniques and by challenging my core beliefs about myself and the world. Now...many years later, I am aware of myself as so much more than a body. We are magical beings. We create as we go along. The more we focus on the fact that we are energetic beings, the more we take the emphasis off the physical element of ourselves. This greatly alleviates the obsessesive thoughts about our bodies. There is a wealth of information about our multi dimensional nature. This is a very interesting article that explains a lot: For me, the more I read and explore these topics, the more I meditate and focus on my breath, the more joy I find. We have been under the illusion for a long time that we are merely physical beings..that we just landed here somehow an...

Rise like a Phoenix - what does it mean?

Why did I call my book Rise like a Phoenix? From the ashes we rise. All of us, in many ways, and many times throughout a lifetime. Life on earth, until now, has been hard. It has offered challenges that, for many, have seemed insurmountable. Yet we continue to surmount. For those with what we have termed psychological or emotional problems, even the smallest obstacle can seem impossible to overcome. A big reason that is so is because when we deem ourselves to be ill, we act so. We believe ourselves to be so. It's a vicious circle. When I had an eating disorder, I needed to believe in it, as it justified why life was so hard for me. If someone had told me there was nothing wrong, I would have felt unbalanced. The need was, however, to feel 'okay.' 'Normal.' When my psychologist told me that there was far less wrong with me than I thought, he meant that the root of the problem was my belief that there was something wrong with me. That was the root of the problem. An e...