Never give up. You are magical.

Eating disorders are accompanied by depression and anxiety.

I often felt overwhelmed and desperate.

At the time, I didn't know that so much could be changed by breathing techniques and by challenging my core beliefs about myself and the world.

Now...many years later, I am aware of myself as so much more than a body.

We are magical beings. We create as we go along.

The more we focus on the fact that we are energetic beings, the more we take the emphasis off the physical element of ourselves.

This greatly alleviates the obsessesive thoughts about our bodies.

There is a wealth of information about our multi dimensional nature.

This is a very interesting article that explains a lot:

For me, the more I read and explore these topics, the more I meditate and focus on my breath, the more joy I find.

We have been under the illusion for a long time that we are merely physical beings..that we just landed here somehow and must now spend a lifetime sacrificing our wants and needs in order to fulfil those of others.

We must be human doings, not human beings. 

Now, nobody is to blame for this. The law of nature dictates that nobody can harm another without harming him or herself. Because, actually, we're not separate.

It's down to us..each of us individually, to rediscover for ourselves, the very magic that we are.


By only doing what brings us the highest joy. The greatest peace is within us at all times.

As Bob Marley said.."None but ourselves can free our minds."


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